The current economy putting a heavy burden on your shoulder? Luckily there is such a thing call a online webpage where you can boost your business and generate more income with low cost. Don't know where to start? Look no futher, is the answer you've been searching for!
A website provides you with the tools necessary for a successful online business. First and foremost it provides you with a platform from which to display and sell your product. It is a focal point for your business, much like a store on a busy street can be the focal point for an offline business. It also provides a name that you and your business can be associated with. No ordinary email address could provide that association that provides people with a degree of confidence and security.

Our mission is to provide you with the best, professional service, to help you achieve your goals and fulfil your vision.
- Uploading of 1 page A4 size text
- Uploading of 10 images
- Sub-domain name & hosting for one year
- 3 Internet links
- Subsequent renewal at RM100 per year
- Promotion: Free Traffic Counter
- Uploading of 5 page A4 size text
- Uploading of 50 images
- Sub-domain name & hosting for one year
- 5 Internet links
- Subsequent renewal at RM400 per year
- Promotion: Free Traffic Counter
- Free: Listing on Alibaba and
- Optional: Domain name add RM100
- Optional: Unlimited email add RM50